Saab AJS37 Viggen SE-DXN (37098) | Swedish Air Force Historic Flight
- STATUS: Airworthy
- LOCATION: Såtenäs, Sweden
- OWNER: Swedish Historic Flight
- ROLE: Fighter Bomber
- BUILT: 1977
- LENGTH: 16.4 m (53 ft 10 in)
- WINGSPAN: 10.6 m (34 ft 9 in)
- ENGINE: Volvo RM8B afterburning turbofan
- MAXIMUM SPEED: 1,386 mph, 2,231 km/h
- RANGE: 1,200 mi, 2,000 km
Saab AJS37 Viggen SE-DXN (37098) with the code F 7–52 is a single-seat, single-engine multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the Swedish aircraft manufacturer Saab. This Viggen was built in 1977 and served all its active duty in F 15 Wing at Söderhamn. It was transferred into civil registry with the registration number SE-DXN.
After a long period of restoration and maintenance to be airworthy again it undertook its maiden flight after having been approved by the authorities on 27 March 2012 from the F 7 Wing at Såtenäs. Saab AJS37 Viggen SE-DXN (37098) is unpainted to represent the first delivered Viggens as they looked in the early 1970s.